Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Michael and Danica's Laundry Day!

Being 3 is great! We are going to help mom do the laundry. My cousin Danica is helping me let's make one thing clear..she is standing behind me, I DON'T have a side ponytail!!!!!
Oh great Nana has the camera again...just ignore her Mikey, we got work to do for Dizzy.
He ALWAYS gets the chair! I wanted the chair!!
This one's stuck. Hope I don't fall in....MICHAEL!!! Come back!! We're not finished yet!!

Here's another one...I'll get it!!
I think we got it all Sis...

I think I just push this button to start the dryer.
Don't worry...I got a plan!
Pearl is begging..."Somebody PLEASE SAVE ME!!!"
Mikey and Danica wait for the laundry to finish
It's all in a days work. We did good Sissy!!


1 comment:

Julie G. said...

Haha...this is hilarious. Peg was telling me all about this the other night, so I had to come see for myself. What cute kids.